A clean desk
As they say....a clean desk is the sign of a sick mind :p let me bring u a tour of the places and spaces i spend my time in...

Here's an overview of my desk...hhehe..and my bookshelf....this is on one of the better days..when you can actually see the desk :p

Close up view of the desk in question :p

Hmm...here's my bed.....there's a poster above my pillow which has a saying perverted from that of GB Shaw...."Some ppl see things as they are and ask why. other's see things that never were and ask why not."....between the bed and the desk is a chasm...where i place my guitar..and racquets

a view of my bed again...the other poster on the wall is one of favourites...its message is pretty simple " i wept because i had no shoes..until i saw a man who had no feet" hehe i think i've wrote about it a coupla times int his blog....

my sax. shuttle cock and other unidentified objects hiding under the bed..h.ehe

Here's my closet...with another two posterser on it...first one with the picture of a sail boat says " a smooth sea never make a skilful sailor" kinda like it..cause i'm a sailor..haha and it teaches u that u need to have challenges and obstacle in your life to progreses...the other is a poem entitled don't quit.....on the walls are more poem. one is entitled regret...about love lost which you can find on my frenster profile...then there's "His Gifts" bout God's blessing upon us..and the last one..not sure what's the title..but it's a reminder of what fair weathered friends are like......and how in the end, our lives depends on us alone...

close up viewe of my now defunct tag board...the transparent plastic thing are trophies that i won during a recent regatta...hehe..the purple thing is a pen holder in the shape of a mouse..since i'm a mouse myself...the tagboard has got cards, wishes from others, more poetic stuff..haha but can't use it now since i moved my cpu to my table ...it blocks most of the tagboard away...eh..btw..keep this boat's tagboard alive leh....wait the chatterbox shut down only know..haha

view from outside my door...big balcony where we have our bbq's n stuff like that

well thats all guys...tour of one half of E414 Eusoff Hall..hehe..one half cause the other half belongs to my roommate :p on the walls are my doortags...basically to represent the groups that i'm involved in :p
feel free to drop me mail anytime
Kelvin Lim
10 Kent Ridge Drive
E414 Eusoff Hall
Singapore 119242