Mumblings of an incoherent mind...
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
  I am pissed...sigh
i dont know wha'ts gotten over me....that i don't read the questions properly..and miss out important elements during the exams in not one but 2 questions!! out of a 4 question paper....

and this was the very paper that iw as working quite a bit on...hoping to score...i din't do well not becuase i could'nt do it (okay maybe wat i did wasn't very right either)..but becuase of my own stupid mistake of not reading the questions properly.

pessimistic estimate c+
optimistic estimate b+ (wanted an a- at least)

lets' see wats the results in a few months time
Thursday, April 20, 2006
  My living will...part 1
okay i'm having this conversation with my friend Jun King...and its freaked me out enough that i'm gonna write my living will so that in the event i die guys will know what to do...this living will doesn't so much consists of material assets but more of what i want to do with my body...the only thing i came into the earth with.

as for the material assets, i will it to my family...leaving them to decide wawt to do with it (a trust fund in my name would be good :p hahaha) for me

life support = if necessary and if there is hope of surviving...dont' pull the plug on me prematurely
organ donation = by all' still like to feel useful even when i'm it is i try to donate blood regularly

i thought of donating my body to science...but then..after looking at wat some med student do to cadavers..and the fact that my body might be sold to some other ppl by the science group this moment i'm AGAINST giving my body to science. I might review this in the if Jun King ever appears at my funeral and insists that i said i wanted to donate the body to science (bear in mind he gets paid 2k pouinds for every body)....NO!!!..haha

as for my funeral..
i still wanna be cremated...and like i wrote previously...for every year of my life..there ought to be one minute of fireworks...oh yea...mix my ashes into the fireworks..and blast me over a sea..from a cliff preferably :p and party y'all...

yea..thats bout it for now...sorry bout the morbid thoughts...

kelvin :p
and i ain't jokin
Friday, April 14, 2006
  The Story of Sweety
There was once a little dog,
the cutest dog of all,
she was oak brown in colour,
but she looked oh so special,
she had a white tipped tail, like it was dip in paint,
and a natural white collar..
she had four white feet,
like she was wearing socks, looking very sweet

sweety was a mongrel..
but even then, she was a very intelligent one..
she would scurry around the house all day..
and at night, jump into her owner's bed..

i guess she knew who her owner was...
cause it certainly wasn't me...
and somehow in the morning...
on my side of the bed there would be pee...

but she was quick to learn..
of the ways of the house...
soon our respect she earned..
she's so cute...she looked like a mouse (really)...

outside she would play..
in that little lawn at the side of the house..
running, jumping scampering about...
digging rabbit holes and chasing butterflies...
oh yea...she would bury bones too...
and later take them out... (i've never seen any other dog do this)

such a joy to behold...
a true companion to the man..
but little did we know..
her company was soon to end...

you see, the neighbours started whispering..
about the little cute white legs that she had...
they all started saying...
that sweety was bad luck to be had...

the cute white legs it would seem
symbolises the bereaved of the deceased...
in mourning they would be..
deck in white socks as they grieve..

the mistress heard the story and started to fear..
the master was transferred to a department not so near...
the mistress wonder bout the truth in all she heard..
wats worst the young master had a major examination just that year..

and so it was decided...
that sweety was indeed unlucky..
due to chinese superstition, her life was altered..
she was returned, but she wasn't so lucky..

-in memory of Sweety (2001)-

this is a true story....a story that i still remember till this day. I can't believe that lives could be affected just because of stupid superstition....she was the cutest of dogs...i still have her picture in my desktop..maybe one day i will put it up... to equate all the luck or fate that a family goes through to an innocent little animal...such unjustness.

Anyway the irony of it...was that..the master enjoyed his new position though he din't like it at first... and the young master...he did decently for his exams scoring 11a1 and would seem that the dog was a bringer of good luck instead...but due to the myopic viewpoints of humans...well..wat can i say...

i spent a week arguing the case to no avail...only to come home one day and realised she was gone. When i wanted to see her again after my exams....i was told that she passed away barely a week after she was given to a new owner.

Was it neglect by the new owner? or could she have been heartbroken? either way, we are all guilty of our actions....
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Fool me once, shame on you ;
Fool me twice, shame on me...

(let's see whether i'm fooled)

hmm..dont' really know what to write about...haha mind can't think of any relevant or important things to say...just taht i've realised i've not written anything here for quite some time.'s that time of the year again....or that time of the semester...when people start counting down, when libraries starts getting fuller..when suddenly, the campus is turned into a sanctuary of zombies....who prowl the streets at night (or this case the open areas) and are concussed in the day (well normal university routine...just that now they do it in uni instead of at home)...As for me, i've just finished my first module earlier in the day today..... one more will be completed on tuesday...and the remaining 4 during examination week. My exam schedule begins on the 24th of april till the 2nd of may...quite evenly spaced out between papers.

i guess at the moment i have finally more or less found a goal that i can work towards. not too sure whether it's achievable though...i plan to graduate with a 4.0 minimum cap...for a second upper degree...hehe...or maybe not graduate..cause if i get 4.0 i can choose to extend into Msc in management (totally unrelated) or go straight into Phd for engineering...hmm...Dr. Kelvin Lim...kinda like the sound of yea..i've set the goal...and i sure hope i can achieve's not tough..but it won't b easy eitherlooking at the amount of classes i've skipped so far. At the moment i'm hoping for an a- average for this exam..but i guess reality will throw in a couple of b's...hopefully no c's if not my effort would have come to naught (wait a second...what effort?..hehehehe 0=) )

i've also set out several things to accomplish before i join legs n paddles (5km run 3km kayak) competition as a participant....two to get fitter not fatter...maybe get a bit more muscles?hahaha

on relationship front...nothing is materialising...the water looks calm...perhaps i am destined to be a monk hehe...well we'll see how lar....i dun wanna set any targets on this due to the extremely high disappointment possibility.

and yea...i miss my old school....hahahaha..i wonder wehther anyone still remembers me from there...hehe

*20 yrs from now i'm gonna bring my kid to the school hall...point at the wal and say...taht's me...and that as well...oh that one too.... :p)

and yea..i'll be starting internship....working with the institute of microelectronic...kinda's a bioengineering project to study cancer and malarial cells....will be working on nano scale and micro scale! dat's damn cool!!! hopefully i don't cause the machines to break down :p haha..and this is totally relevant (i think) to my course fo study...rather than doing internship as an office boy or watever...
Thursday, April 06, 2006
  In the silence of the night..
In the silence of the night..
My mind wanders...
And there i find company...
In the thoughts of you
The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them...

My Photo
Location: Clementi, Singapore

Cool and extreme at the same, the epitome of confusion.....always an oxymoron, to be at peace yet chaotic,evil yet good,lost but found, but simply, to be me.

August 2005 / September 2005 / October 2005 / November 2005 / December 2005 / January 2006 / February 2006 / March 2006 / April 2006 / May 2006 / June 2006 / July 2006 / September 2007 / January 2008 / February 2008 / July 2008 / August 2008 / September 2008 / November 2008 / July 2010 /

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