Mumblings of an incoherent mind...
Thursday, September 15, 2005
ABC by the jackson 5 was just playing on my media player just now.....and it just occured to different MJ is and has been throughout the years...

from a young innocent child with an equally innocent voice....he is and was broiled in scandal....the little boy with the cherubic face and the sweet now with a pale deathly white skin....and horrible features.

it just shows you that we 'll never know what happens to life.....that your childhood will not guarantee your adulthood....which i guess is kinda pertinent to me considering i've just made a step into adulthood (by society's standard, adulthood is not measured by maturity but by age)...and it makes me wonder what life will be like for me...ten years or so from now.....hehe meaningful i hope...

in a similar way, i've seen many ppl grow before my eyes.....and have seen the many potential that they have within them....i hope they'll be able to realise these potentials and be useful ppl to their families, their friends and society...

here's to a better world!
How about you turn the argument on its head? Ever heard of Dave Pelzer? His autobiographies start with "A Child Called It", where he documents his abusive childhood. It ends with "A Man Called Dave", so you can pretty much see that he managed to survive his early years.

But you are right, childhood is not indicative of adulthood. Which explains why you look the way you do, when you were such a cute kid. *grin*
hmm..what do u mean by that??/
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