Mumblings of an incoherent mind...
Thursday, July 27, 2006
  Swan Song
swan song

1. A farewell or final appearance, action, or work.
2. The beautiful legendary song sung only once by a swan in its lifetime, as it is dying.

[From the belief that the swan sings as it dies.]

hmm some of you who have talked to me earlier, i would have mentioned that i would be writing my swan song post pretty soon... however, i have a few thoughts that i'd like to this particular post might get a bit long and draggy. doesn't matter tho, cause for now, this will be my last post...

a blog has always been a way it is like a public diary. and therein lies the oxymoron..a diary is supposed to be something secret and yet a blog is open to the world. in fact some even write posts for the world..i know sometimes i'm like that, wanting my posts to generate comments, to see what ppl think of me...and yet at other times, i feel that some of the issues that i write on are too sensitive to be put for public viewing...whatever it is, perhaps this blog has revealed a side of me...a vulnerability...perhaps i've worn my heart on my sleeve for too long. i feel now that the hidden comforts of my shells are more c..omfortable from the prying eyes of the from predator and harm...although there isn't the warmth of the sunshine. for now i'm just gonna be retreating from the blogosphere....maybe one day i will return. i will still put up my writings tho..poems and stuff on my frenster blog..

in this final installment, i would like to share my thoughts on certain issues..

a lot of things has been going on in the malaysian government lately. i'll just put this bluntly...i feel that the malaysian politicians are idiots, and the government has no resolve.
like parents disciplining a child the main issue that needs to be addressed is consistency, and discipline. if you're always giving in to the child, your child will know how to push your buttons. when you say that they will be punished, make sure they are punished. i'm talking about our government not being able to make decisions and standing by them. i honestly feel that they're weak...examples abound like extension of datelines, or the recent withdrawal with regards to the bridge. how is it then that ppl who are law abiding citizens, who are well managed, punctual are punished instead, rather than the other majority of malaysians who procastinate too often.
on the issue of politicians, what's the point of us electing ppl to parliament when all they do is become yes man to the ruling party. i really do not understand the idea of the whip, of not being able to vote to your conscience or your constituency's concern but instead having to vote along party lines...well then u dun need the yb's at all....and really some yb's are quite useless "y do i need a slk when my wife already has one..i want an slk" blardy politicians covering their interest alone. where has the principles of protecting yhour ppl, of taking care of their welfare gone. a politician is tghe highest ranking servants of the ppl!which is y i will never be a politician...but it is really sad that the fate of our countries lie in the hands of these idiots.


different issue..

ever wonder why is it that soap operas are such compelling watch? why day after day people are glued to the tv, trying to wonder what other badluck will befall the protagonist of the serial? well i guess its becuase soap opera are quite realistic... that they compel ppl to relate to it, that it's very much possible for things such as that to happen to their own life. in the same way how reality tv attracts the attention of others, so do soap operas.
in a way, although i'm only 22 i feel that my life can be quite a soap opera already...many things have happened, known and unknown. many things have happened to the people around me...

one of the most impactful event was the birth of my cousin. a lovely boy born on christmas day...he was born with a rare congenital disease called maple syrup urine disease (msud)...go google it if u wanna find out more about it..hmm realy it made me realise that there are no certainties in life...that suddenly, everything can change just like's only the second time that i saw grown man cry....really a heart wrenching situation. thankfully, the baby named Sage is doing quite well now, conditions are pretty much stabilise and he's pretty much a bubbly boy. early pics of him can be found at

what was really sad tho, was when sage was in the paediatric ICU. during the earlier months of this year i spent quite a large amount of time there...and it really was very very depressing and sad. all the rooms were filled with young children, all hooked up to tubes and machines. parents sitting by their bedsides..nurses on constant watch. and these children, they truly were innocent, some were babies..just newborn..others a little older, perhaps 7 or 8 years old. most would have been there since they were babies, becoming very familiar with the hospital environment, that to them a needle prick to draw blood becomes a daily routine, that the only rhythm they hear is that of the machines. during that time also, i saw one child go. she couldn't be saved anymore...they have been fighting for her life for 10 years...but finally it was time to let go...perhaps for the better, a better world where there is no more suffering. really, why do these children have to endure these pain? why is it that criminals roam free but innocent children are burdened by something they can't understand?i reallyt have no answer to this...but only a greater appreciation of life.really sad, the children in the picu..

in fact around the world, there are many more people who are faced with much dire condition than us. children born with congenital diseases, young children suffering from cancer tho they've never smoked, drink liquor, had promiscous lifes etc....please say a prayer for them...and help them out if you can.

i know i've mentioned this b4 but i'd like to reiterate it dying wishes would be dat whatever is left of me be fully utilised to help whoever possible. i opt to be an organ donor, that someone else might have the possibility of a better life just in case i dont make it.i've already signed up with the bone marrow bank in case someone else in the world needs my marrow.

whatever it is, accept each day with gratitude and thanks giving. and while we revel in the blessings of our a thought to the less fortunate. it doesn't take a lot to help the others

signing off..
till the next time
The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them...

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Location: Clementi, Singapore

Cool and extreme at the same, the epitome of confusion.....always an oxymoron, to be at peace yet chaotic,evil yet good,lost but found, but simply, to be me.

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